kambo cary nc healing detox energy work

(c) Víctor Escobar, Santa Maria, Las Amazonas de Peru.

Before the session

You will be asked to inform your facilitator, Ronen, about any health issues, medications, and supplements you are taking. Fasting before/after a Kambo session should be avoided other than 8-12 hours before the session in which you will be asked to avoid solid foods, ideally anything but water or coconut water. Eating a light meal the night before is also a good idea. Consumption of electrolytes starting the evening before is recommended and encouraged. More instructions will provided prior to scheduling.

What is a Kambo session like?

The space where the session takes place (Open Heart Energy’s office in Cary, NC) is purified by the facilitator. An opening invocation is made to the Spirit of Kambo, and intentions are set. The facilitator then makes several shallow, superficial burns using the ember tip of a vine. These are called gates, typically done on the shoulder, although other places on the body can be accommodated. The outer layer of skin is scraped so that when applied, the secretion enters and is absorbed into the body through the lymphatic system. The burns are minor and, while felt, are generally not very painful.

Next, the participant begins to drink large quantities of water. This is helpful for the process to work. In the meantime, the facilitator starts to slowly apply Kambo “dots” containing the Kambo secretion onto the small burns.

What follows is typically an immediate and intense experience. Most people feel an instant rise in body temperature (especially around the head,) increased heartbeat, pressure in the head, swelling to the face, lips, ears, and possibly around the throat, sweat, and nausea. All the while, you continue to drink water. This is not pleasant. I am yet to meet someone who enjoys Kambo while it is being applied, yet the benefits justify the means. At some point during the session, typically within 10 to 30 minutes, the participant will purge i.e. vomit much of the water consumed, as well as bile. A need to use the toilet may also occur, albeit not that often.
Purging is believed to be a way in which the body eliminates various toxins on both the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic levels. The facilitator and his assistant will be watching the participant closely, ready to assist or make changes as needed. Round and about, the dots are applied slowly, one dot to start, and then waiting to gauge response, especially if it’s your first time, before applying additional secretion.

It is suggested to try to relax into the experience. Remember that you are working with a Spirit and to have trust. Focus on slow. conscious breathing, and allow the medicine to take care of the rest.

Once the facilitator deems that the purge is complete, (blood pressure starts to drop, and the nausea is mostly gone,) he will remove the dots. For most participants, the challenging sensations subside rapidly and they feel fine within 20-30 minutes. You will be able to lie back and rest during this time. A natural plant resin, Dragon’s Blood, is applied to the dots. This protects the area while the burns heal. The Dragon’s Blood drops remain on the skin for 7-9 days and will fall off on their own when their job is complete. Small burn marks will remain for a long while. Some refer to this as the “Kambo tattoo” and wear it with pride.

After the session

Most participants report feeling an increase in their vital energy, reduction and even removal of inflammation, and a general sense of wellbeing. The facilitator will follow up with you by phone/text/email within a day of the session.

Follow-up sessions

A good number of participants feel the benefit of having a Kambo session regularly (once a month,) especially if dealing with an ongoing, chronic condition. Indigenous people also believe that having three Kambo sessions within one moon (30 days,) inoculates the receiver. This and other options can be discussed after the first session.

What’s next?

If Kambo is something you would like to try, please contact Ronen. Prior to meeting with Ronen for the first time, you will receive a questionnaire. This will give him an idea of where you are with your health as well as your objectives for the session. If you are cleared and ready to proceed, you will be asked to sign a disclaimer. The next step would be scheduling the actual session.

Cancellation policy

Things happen and, on occasion, an appointment may need to be rescheduled. We request 24 hour notice so the time reserved for you may be open for others in need of our service. Thank you. 

Kambo Ceremony

For information on Kambo Microdosing, please click here.

What is Kambo?

Kambo, also known as Campu, Sapo, or Vacino da Floresta, is the name given to a secretion harvested from the tree frog Phyllomedusa bicolor (or Giant Monkey Frog.) This green amphibian is found in the northwestern parts of the Amazon basin.

Kambo has been used for generations by the indigenous tribes of that region to remove “panema" or bad luck. It is also used for bestowing “hunting power” as an antidote for snakebites, malaria, yellow fever, and other epidemic diseases (*.)

Kambo is known for its powerful cleansing effects. It is said to strengthen and energize the mind and body of those that partake. Among indigenous people, Kambo is believed to enable speed and stamina with less sleep and food.

Is this all a myth or is there science behind it?

Scientific studies of the Kambo secretion started in the 1980’s. An Italian scientist named Vittorio Erspamer of the University of Rome described the secretion as a “fantastic chemical cocktail with potential medical applications, unequaled by any other amphibian.” For more information about the science behind Kambo, please visit this link. Kambo has many benefits, including reduction in overall inflammation, antimicrobial effects, and antiviral properties. It can help heal infections, boost the immune system, bring about a heightened state of alertness, as well as promoting better mood, increased energy, and improves focus (*.)

The experience of Kambo is quite powerful. The ceremony itself takes about an hour, but its effects last weeks, months and even a lifetime.

  • (*) The benefits described above are highly individual. Different people experience Kambo in different ways. Kambo is not recognized as a medicine in the USA and thus these statements are not FDA approved.

Kambo Contraindications

Kambo is not the solution for all ailments, nor is it right for everyone. It is a very intense experience. Contraindications for Kambo use include, but are not limited to:

  • Stroke

  • High or low blood pressure

  • Organ transplants

  • Pericardial effusions

  • Any form of heart disease

  • Blood clotting issues

  • Serious mental health issues

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding

  • And more

When discussing if Kambo is right for you, the facilitator will ask about your current health status to see if you are a good candidate.

Ronen is a Kambo facilitator, and as a channeling healer, he works with a wide range of spirits and plant medicines. He brings into his practice a variety of modalities, thoughtfully selecting the ones that will best serve his clients.

  • Contact Ronen to inquire about a private Kambo session by clicking here, or join a periodic group ceremony by viewing our events page.

Haux! Haux!


  • For clarification purposes, Kambo is legal in the USA. It does not contain any hallucinatory agents. As of now, Kambo is not recognized as a medicine by the FDA.

  • Haux! (pronounced Haush) is a common greeting among the Huni Kuin and other indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin. It has many meanings including, yes, I agree, so be it, in harmony, kudos, and more.

  • Death or serious injuries from Kambo are rare. In the few instances it occurred, accordingly to my research, these took place because of the way Kambo was administered, ex. into the blood and in close proximity to the heart. Ronen follows a very strict protocol when administering Kambo and leans on the side of caution. You are welcome to and encouraged to do your own research. Kambo is an amazing medicine, but it is also a venom, and should be treated with the utmost respect.

kambo cary nc energy work shaman shamanic detox healing
kambo cary nc shaman shamanic energy work healing detox
    • First-time private Kambo session..........$175

    (30 minutes - 1 hour)

    • Follow-up private Kambo session..........$155

    • Group Kambo session..........$145 (per person)

    Please inquire if you have a group that is interested, or if you wish to join one of our monthly, pre-scheduled group ceremonies.