rapé hapé hape ceremony plant medicine shaman shamanic cary nc

First meeting

Prior to meeting with Ronen for the first time, you will be asked about your experience with this medicine as well as your objectives. If you wish for a private session, the next step would be to schedule.

  • Click here to access the online appointment calendar. 

  • For joining the monthly ceremony, please check out our events page.

Follow-up sessions

If needed and requested, Ronen may work with you either periodically (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly,) or on an as-needed basis. This will be discussed after the first session.

Cancellation policy

Things happen and, on occasion, an appointment may need to be rescheduled. We request a 24 hour notice so the time reserved for you may be open for others in need of our service. Thank you. 

Ronen Divon rapé hapé ceremony plant medicine Brazil

Part of the long process of preparing Rapé in Brazil.
(c) Open Heart Energy. All Rights Reserved.

Please do not copy image without permission.

Rapé Ceremony

What is Rapé?

Rapé (pronounced ha-pay) is a sacred, shamanic medicine used by tribes of the Amazon, as well as other South American, indigenous cultures for thousands of years. It is a snuff made of various tree ashes combined with fine tobacco. The form of tobacco is not the type used in cigarettes, but rather Nicotina Rustica, which is highly potent and does not smell share the smell of cigarette. The resulting Rapé powder is highly refined.

When served in a manner that honors tradition, Rapé is a powerful medicine. It can provide insights, guidance, protection, cleansing and healing. It is a sacrament, not a substance, and should be treated accordingly. It’s good to keep in mind that when working with Rapé, we work with the Rapé Spirit. Each blend has a different spirit associated with it.

Rape Ceremonies

In a Rapé ceremony, we first honor the spirit of the smoke (Defuma,) and then conduct an opening prayer invoked by the facilitator. The participants are asked to have an intention in mind before receiving the Rapé, which is then served individually by people who were initiated to serve and are trained to work with this medicine. The snuff is then administered by a special blow pipe called a Tepi, one nostril at a time. Instructions are provided during the ceremony.

The experience of Rapé is quite powerful and can last anywhere from a few minutes to several hours and even days.

Ronen had been working with several Rapé Spirits for many years. He is familiar with Plant Medicine and is a seasoned facilitator who was initiated by the Huni Kuin tribe of the Amazon under the name Ninawa Inu Bakê.

  • You can schedule a private Rapé session with Ronen by clicking here, or join a periodic group Rapé Ceremony by checking our events page.

  • A typical, private Rapé session lasts about 50 minutes.

Haux! Haux!


  • For clarification purposes: While being plant medicine, Rapé is legal in the USA. It does not contain any hallucinatory agents. It is a means to focus the mind, release energies that do not serve us, and much, much more. 

  • Haux! (pronounced Haush) is a common greeting among the Huni Kuin and other indigenous tribes of the Amazon basin. The term has multiple meanings including, yes, I agree, so be it, in harmony, kudos, and more.

  • Several types of Rapé, as well as Kuripe (a self administration blowpipe) are available for purchase at Open Heart Energy. Please inquire with Ronen.

  • Private Rapé Session..........$95